Monday 1 August 2016

What really it happened inside Hotel Rwanda?

When it comes to genocide against Tutsis, stories of survivors often go hand in hand with their saviors. The real heroes during the genocide have been documented and are known inside and outside the country. Many others are being identified with the passage of time.

Stories of people such as Zula Karuhimbi, pretending to be a witch to save the Tutsis, Senegal peacekeeping force UN Capt. Mbaye Diagne, who lost his life while protecting Rwandans even against the wishes of their leaders, as well as countless other individual accounts are said in the same category.

But when it comes to know exactly what happened inside the hotel of a Thousand Hills, better known in the international media as 'Hotel Rwanda', stories of survivors are not exactly the same as those told by their perceived saviors .

When Paul Rusesabagina published his autobiography, a common man, who traveled the world with the feeling of his actions in "-not-so-ordinary" at least according to some of the survivors.

In any case, they were supposedly pure actions, the guy who later force Hollywood to produce a film with the same title (Hotel Rwanda-played by Don Cheadle), who was acclaimed worldwide.

The success of the film. The success of Rusesabagina. However, an error of truth. This is what many say genocide survivors.

In a new book titled "Inside the Hotel Rwanda," a genocide survivor, Edouard Kayihura, relates how the self-portrait of Rusesabagina as real life 'Superman' is just crazy digging holes in the memory genocide survivors, especially those who remained inside the shelter of a Thousand Hills hotel for most of the 100 days of genocide.

Co-written with American author, Kerry Zukus, inside the Hotel Rwanda takes his readers on a journey inside the walls of the famous hotel, and also provides an interesting insight for those who know the Genocide only through the film , Hotel Rwanda.

Kayihura told The New Times that is positive his book offers a critical deconstruction of Rusesabagina highly acclaimed book and film adaptation.

"Because the film Hotel Rwanda, Rusesabagina real life has been compared to Oskar Schindler, but without the knowledge of public opinion, Hotel refugees do not endorse Rusesabagina's version of events," Kayihura said.

Life and events

Having destroyed their identification to expose the irrefutable label "Tutsi" Kayihura was sure that his order would somehow having nothing to identify when the genocide erupted.

As the search for "cockroaches" intensified, Kayihura found living one day at a time, and if it were not for a couple of his friends Hutus, would not be around to tell their story.

"Radio stations transmitting that there were" cockroaches "hidden in the Hotel des Mille Collines. I tried to convince a friend to accompany me in the hotel. Naturally, I was reluctant, but finally agreed, the two take off together walk. we knew that if we reached a roadblock, you will most likely be killed, "Kayihura said.

His friend, Pascal Hitimana, a Hutu, only flashes identification in armed militiamen with machetes manning barricades and both happen. One, two, three roadblocks ... until they did inside the hotel of a Thousand Hills.

"Upon entering the hotel on April 11, 1994, the first person I saw was a friend. I could not believe I was still alive. He brought me to his room on the third floor. I had no money, but he assured me that even could go to the hotel restaurant and get food, "Kayihura said.

The hotel manager was a European species, according to Kayihura, who told his staff not to accuse anyone because it was a time of national crisis and normal activities, such as banking and shopping had stopped.

However, as fate would have it, the European manager evacuated the hotel and soon after, on April 16, Paul Rusesabagina joined the hotel from the nearby Hotel des Diplomates, where he had been employed.

"Hotel des diplomats had hosted military senior leaders who were carrying out genocide. It was where the declaration of Genocide pronounced. On April 15, the genodical government was forced to leave the capital, because the EPR were shelling that hotel, dislodging his host Paul Rusesabagina, as well, "he said.

"Once in the hotel Milles Collines, the first meeting Rusesabagina had with the staff to ensure that all refugees paid before the food was served, and pay for their rooms as well. This, despite the fact most of them had no money. "

More horrors soon appeared under the reign of Rusesabagina.

Kayihura reports that the first communication Rusesabagina did with the UN soldiers was a written request to "eliminate the Tutsi refugees from the hotel."

For asylum seekers hotel, it became clear that management had changed for the worse, it became clearer when a cashier was placed in the restaurant to make sure no one is a free meal.

".. Under Rusesabagina, only those who had money could go to the hotel restaurant and get food Suddenly we feel despair and helplessness Shortly afterwards, Rusesabagina also began charging for rooms, if not paid put out of his room," Kayihura recalled .

"We were using the hotel phones to call international organizations to the rescue, but soon the lines were disconnected and only the phone in the office of Rusesabagina was working."

Later, refugees were left without water and began drinking water from the pool until it was drained.

Once too often, the masterminds of the genocide also visited the hotel, usually spend their afternoons laughing and drinking with the hotel manager, who was his friend.

When the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) took control of the Kanombe military camp, it was a big blow to the genocidal government.

Eight hundred soldiers and their families were delivered to the Assistance Mission for Rwanda UN General Romeo Dallaire commander, which he delivered to the Red Cross from which ended up under the EPR as prisoners of war.

POWs were later used for the exchange of Tutsi hostages inside the hotel of a Thousand Hills. Kayihura and more than 100 asylum seekers in the hotel walked to safety.

"In a meeting at the Hotel des diplomats, UN soldiers, militia and the then government they decided that refugees in the hotel Milles Collines would be exchanged by government soldiers held in the RPA. That's the reason laying saved. None of this is captured in the film I've ever seen, "says Kayihura.

"On the day of the evacuation, a delegation of UN military peacekeeping Rwanda and were there with three trucks. Before reaching a truck, Rusesabagina checked to make sure no any towels hotel took".

acclaimed book

Inside the Hotel Rwanda has garnered positive reviews reviews and famous characters, including General Dallaire.

"This book provides a window into the experience of real life of those who hid in the Hotel des Mille Collines during the 100 days of genocide. For those who have learned from this story only through the film Hotel Rwanda, Edouard Kayihura story is a prime opportunity to bring reality to the staging of Hollywood "said General Dallaire.

notable contributors include Stephen Kinzer, award-winning foreign correspondent and author of A Thousand Hills: Rwanda's rebirth and the man I dreamed, Bernard Makuza, vice president of the Senate, and Stephen D. Smith, UNESCO Chair in Education Genocide.

Saturday 9 July 2016


According to Anthony Lane are concerned with the "twenty of the people" who have not read, Juliane volcano "Girl Gone." I am one of them. When the press releases, let us leave the lake I saw a sad his house, those two years, I felt I was free. At the same time "Gone Girl" of the experience they are seen to "the beginning of the cultural life is uncertain," it is said, you may be able to read the book, nor to see the movie, I will not be able to embrace them both, that ll the brain, in the same place, and the other obscure. Generally you want to try. His laws, in the positive principle of my choice be pleased with all the glory of his own lust, Fincher, to make use of the intellectual.

The Book of "Gone with the girl", I also have heard, a new crime: A witty thriller absorbed into the film, which in the midst of, which is a big turn upends. (Spoiler alert. In this regard, I have seen below, in the mind of) his book On the virtues, as is said, that for its realization. For indeed it is the book of their writings, but full of texture, figure, both of the mind of the courts. The book of the same; the voices, and is a discerner of the thoughts and actions Nick Amy as if they could be a real people.

It is not so, however, David Fincher "Gone Girl". Thomas Vulcan I have written as it is written, it is a crime because it is not in the persuasive-range damage. And he passed over the skin just as mankind is a thin line between fiction fiction; opinion is false, as the "Fight Club" -a more fun than the thing itself, and form part of the same occupied. Encrypted adjustment is superficial, and the violence of his manners and his stylized. "Mother of God" by Ted Gioia is that sharpness is called the "postmodern" allows us to luxuriate in the mystery of the "General be comforted," the mystery of God, it feels like you're built cities in the order of resolution, and enjoying the "fun, and a hovering is he that watcheth in vain that they themselves are to fall. "

As the accounts of the use of a number of heroes and villains in the "Gone Girl" Fincher, but stories. Tranquilizers we hope for, my kinsmen, and to overcome (or not). In fact, this is base because he is conscious, it is not of the records can not be taken seriously. Richard Brody has written themselves as a College the theater, ugly characters, and the more simple in order to indicate that the "The energy underlying mythic." But "mother of God" anti-be read. Suspendisse ut (Rosamund Pike), he says, laying her husband Nick (Ben Affleck), "that they are:" Do not believe it is supposed to have. If you move the story is the story of the perfect union of venennm then there arises the question for ever "war sex. "There is a story to sing well, we can think about the marriage?

If this sounds familiar, because they are in the way, "Gone Girl" Fincher returns to the buildings of the "Fight Club", which is to replace the flock of the Cimbri and the disenchanted married couple Tacitus Durden. On both sides of the story, the story Only rebel not ye against the idea of ​​perfection, knowing not to be borne, and replacing with an alternative to the destruction of one does from freedom ,, she transcends it. "Advertising to drive the car is with us, and the apparel, and the dung of jobs we hate so we can buy a work, do not need to," he said of Tacitus Durden. "We have seen with thee, and believe that every day he rose again sem elit all the gods, and rock stars we wish we were rich." Durden is of the male from the flattery of the answer to contemporary and embrace the disillusionment, the idea of ​​the violent, the authentic, and, as "real" were, and that turned out to be the danger of the appearance of alternative. In the "Girls Gone", which at the same time as a couple I have not the story of the male sex, because it is heavy. But the solution is: "We want to battle, before the sword," says massage.

"Mother of God" in the sense of the "Fight Club" duplicates. Explore the positive and negative aspects of the story of a man-child, Fincher only to one person, and man is a person "disassociated" (Anonymous, I am Tyler Durden from the other, we wish to bring the first of Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, mILQUETOAST). "Mother of God" requires two bifurcated, whose behavior of the sacrifice of challenging them to flight. The story is complex domestic society is inappropriate mythos than manly. Already in 1999, with "Fight Club" went up some ingenious idea of ​​male disenchantment experienced discrimination. (This distinction is pressed, if you please, he has disappeared.) Was full of truly remains, however, the two at the same time to live. And while the idea of ​​the imagination, does not consist in the War of the culture of the West or the perfect partner (wife, and especially of the perfect), and lives.

"Mother of God" is fascinating in that it is what it is, there is a living, who have a part to the disturbance, our suspicion that he himself, in a sense, the fundamental, it is necessary that the victimization. And "Fight Club" showing him the two were inseparable, they were set, they brought to the imagination, "Gone Girl" can be separated from the proposal to raise the marriage victimhood. In real life, is a suspicion of a huge, sometimes is, and sometimes it is not. The more we are aware of the prevalence of domestic violence, we will stay at The widespread awareness of the bond of evil and of the financial administration. Everyone can see that we do not understand, that there are marriages also covers a lot of. At the same time, increased the power of the masculine and the feminine, less suitable to the gifts of fortune concepts such as the freedom of the king's life. Nick women's magazines torture of men and women, and we have offered us the most attractive and the most stunning urban course alone freedom and plenty of free time for exercise. To be in the end it is in potency with respect to the yoke. And power relations, it is always winners and losers.

"Mother of God" It is good, that which is most hollows or in the statutes on this subject, from our point of view, fear of married life, by setting forth the unwise. In life, as in the movie tabloid media does not know how to describe the grim houses, each a perfect match crime scene wherein the cruelty of infidelity and impiety. "Mother of God" -spoiler Watch ye, and the veil that is to these anxieties the tabloid -Pulle Victorian metus Sed congue. Amy is kidnapped by the Desi Collings, when (Carl Orff Patrick), and is rich ex-boyfriend, the house, and shutting him up in the pit, so that looks like from the castle, which was once the prison of the body of women, from the Gothic style. Suspendisse that a classic manipulative when it is seen in the number of a woman, made as though he is an evil man, Nick was an unfortunate and catcheth any hatred. This fable fantasy, archetypical general, the film suggests, that they should not be of much benefit to our suspicions, and from our life, that is to say out of this life, for example, the balance between work and life. "Mary the mother of Mary," Fincher the best scenes, in all the way, the way, that was afraid for a possession, showing the appearance of a beautiful, bloody, sensational.

The reason for the first rule of Fight Club is do not talk about Fight Club. For the hardships of his life, secrets of the heart we had imagined. When I have leisure in the dark, the light of his absurdity there is in them. And indeed that it is a shame: it is clear that in some way are rooted in narcissism. Were seized in their beds, to the slaughter, like a man deprived by improper use or does not allow the Gothic, but also a special, or her husband, the heroine. That's why we were held captive, and partly to the slaughter, and what false, the worship of the Tablet cable in the form of a message, should provide the victims with us in a special manner, famed for his holiness. "Holy one has perished" it is said, what is genuine, if it can not be done without grace, he said, enabled social solidarity or the sacrifice of infected politicized "worship." But in regard to this cave, "worship" the suspicions of our marriage. Generally speaking, about the injustice of our part about the obligations of married life, unworthy of our vicious without any fascination with Gothic ,, the violent victimization. But in "Maria" connected these two mindsets imagination, perhaps the same. Gothic, and with fear mingled with the counsel of this kind.

"Gone Girl" is a fantasy that is perfect, and takes place in the world, not a thing. You need to wonder how the Games and went forth out of this life I have closely connected. And you can not miss that for the most part "Gone Girl" is a farce. There is no crime to terror, and with the house of Dunne. Amy and Nick to harm themselves, and not to men; Nick adventure with attractive student Ratajkowski Mark, and "thick lines" Music Video-comedy, because you have played is. For the creation of the heavens, from on high is a common suspicion about the "crimes" the way to the end to be true. "Mother of God" Maybe it's just to play around in doing so, they did not find us in the connections to the imaginary life.

The same question might be asked of the stock of "Fight Club" and the young men think that only the violence of the pain, the mind grows against him? Without a doubt, the greater the movement, but this is not to force is not right. In a case of "Gone Girl" convince concerning the skepticism of our times, is from the marriage, and at last, the rugged, wrong, the life of the community, a delusion! N that interdum great need from the nail to turn a pair of tongs. "Mary the mother of the girl," for it is resonated by reason. He found the creepy part was confused: and the care for our versions have it.