Monday 4 July 2016

Unknown Ancient History Of Antarctica & It is Lost Civilization Secrets Beneath The Ice..!

There may be a remnant of a very advanced civilization remain in warmer underground caverns of Antarctica?

Why the Nazis launched an expensive expedition to the South Pole in 1938?

The surprising discovery that the British soldiers do when they found the entrance to an ice cave?

Scientists have discovered a lost city inhabited Antarctic under the ice?

Join us on a long journey to Antarctica, a continent full of secrets ...

According to the teachings of conventional science, Antarctica has built over millions of years under layers of ice that are more than a mile thick.

However, modern discoveries and ancient give us several reasons to question this theory.

If Antarctica was covered with ice for millions of years, how American scientists could fish from the bed of the oceans specimens Antarctic show that in recent times the rivers of Antarctica had taken to the sea alluvial products of a ¿ice-free area?

Officially, Antarctica was first discovered in 1820. At that time, the whole continent was covered in ice.

However, thousands of years old maps show an unknown ancient civilization did visit an Antarctic ice long before ...

Cartographers have long been puzzled by the amazing Admiral Piri Reis map. It was made in Constantinople in 1513 AD and discovered in 1929.

The map shows what appears to Antarctica without ice, a condition that has not occurred for thousands of years!

Piri Reis can not be credited for the original mapping of the map. He could not have obtained the necessary information from contemporary explorers because at the time, no one knew of the existence of Antarctica.

According to Professor Charles H. Hapgood who investigated the issue of old maps and Antarctica ice free in the near past, the maps used by Admiral Reis, in fact, are based on even older sources.

The maps were drawn by an unknown and highly advanced civilization that uses superior navigation instruments.

Oronteus map Finaeus, Phillipe Buache and Hadji Ahmed also show and free ice of Antarctica. All maps have been created with the help of the source maps very old.

In addition, all mentioned mapmakers recognized that their information came from old maps, probably dates back to around 4000 BC

The idea that an Antarctic ice was inhabited by an unknown advanced civilization only 6,000 years ago, has fascinated many people; one of them was Adolf Hitler.

Hitler and the Nazis strong suspicions that Antarctica was once home to a lost civilization of Atlantis.

In 1938, Hitler launched an expensive expedition to the South Pole. At the same time, Germany was also held with full military preparations

for the launch of the Second World War, Hitler surprisingly find it necessary to explore and claim a half cold frozen continent worldwide without any apparent military significance.

What were the reasons for Hitler? Why it was so important to him Antarctica?

According to the file somewhat controversial Omega: "From 1938, the Nazis began sending numerous exploratory missions to the Queen Maud region of Antarctica".

It is said that a steady stream of expeditions were sent from (at the time) of white supremacy in South Africa.

More than 230,000 square miles of the frozen continent are assigned from the air, and the Germans discovered vast regions that were surprisingly free of ice and warm water lakes and cave entrances. "

According to reports, a large ice cave inside the glacier is 30 miles extend a large lake deep geothermal hot water below.

Several scientific teams moved to the area, including hunters, hunters, collectors and zoologists, botanists, agronomists, plant specialists, mycologists, Parasitologists, marine biologists, ornithologists, and many others. "

As soon as the Nazis came to Antarctica, which fell hundreds of banners with swastika-adorned all Queen Maud Land to establish its claim over the area.

Queen Maud Land is part of what was called Neuschwabenland (New Swabia Earth) before.

It was a name given by the Germans under Captain Ritscher, who claimed the region of the Nazis blow up two Dornier Wal (whale) seaplanes from the research vessel Schwabenland title. Some old atlas still bear the name in parentheses.

According to Roberts, the British soldiers discovered Antarctic secret base Maudheim entry in late 1945.

The soldiers "followed the tunnel for miles, and finally came to a huge underground cavern that was abnormally hot. Some scientists believed that geothermal heated.

In a huge cavern were underground lakes. However, the mystery deepened, as the cavern was lit artificially.

The cavern proved so extensive that they had to be separated, and that was when the real discoveries were made.

The Nazis had built a large base in the cave and had even built docks for submarines, and one was allegedly identified.

Still, the deeper they traveled, the strangest visions were met with.

The survivor reported that hangars for strange planes and excavations galore had been documented ".

Neuschwabenland was treated as part of the Third Reich. In 1942, he became a site of intense scientific and military secret research base under the name 211.

The United States launched Operation Highjump after learning of British intelligence on a secret underground base in Antarctica.

Admiral Richard Byrd, a legendary polar researcher was in charge of the expedition, which was funded entirely by the US Navy ..

The operation force consisted USS Casablanca, an icebreaker twelve warships, a submarine, twenty aircraft and helicopters and almost 5,000 soldiers.

In a press release issued on November 2, 1946, Admiral Byrd said: "The purpose of the operation are primarily of a military nature, which is the training of naval personnel and test ships, aircraft and equipment in conditions cold zone. "

Shortly before the departure of the expedition, the Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal gave final instructions Admiral Byrd. Byrd did not reveal any details. Officially, the aim of the expedition was to find "coal deposits and other valuable resources," a goal that contradicts earlier in the press release of Byrd.

The White House said Operation Highjump "most polar expedition in history."

Operation Highjump was planned by and under the command of war hero Admiral Chester Nimitz. This strongly suggests that the real purpose of the mission was to destroy the Nazi Antarctic base.

Highjump was scheduled to be a six-month mission, but mysteriously aborted after only three months.

What did he mean Admiral Byrd when he warned of a "threat of the poles"?

Is Admiral Byrd and his team are hostile UFOs near the South Pole? These UFOs were piloted by nonhumans or were part of the program saucer secret Nazi? Do members of the Highjump expedition discovers an entry into the Earth? It was maybe the reason why

Admiral Byrd warned of a threat of the goalposts and that the operation was aborted unexpectedly?

The most intriguing question of all remains unresolved: Is there an ancient lost city hidden under the ice inhabited ...?

Saturday 2 July 2016

No Trespassing (Story)

Peggy and her boyfriend Tommy were driving down a lonely stretch of highway at dusk when a thunderstorm came crashing down on them. Tommy slowed the car and they crept their way past a formidable abandoned house. Plastered all over the fences and trees were no trespassing signs. 

A mile past the house, the car hydroplaned. Peggy screamed as the car slid off the road, plunging down into a gully. The car slammed into a large boulder, throwing Peggy violently into the door, before it came to a rest under a pecan tree. Her head banged against the window, and a stabbing pain shot through her shoulder and arm. 

Tommy turned to her. “Are you all right? You’re bleeding!” 
“Arm, shoulder. Feel bad,” Peggy managed to gasp.

Tommy glanced cautiously at her right arm. “I think your arm is broken,” he said, and he tore a strip off his shirt and pressed it to the cut on her head. “I’m going to call for help,” he said when it became obvious that the bleeding was not going to stop right away. But neither of them had their cell phones.

“That house we just passed will have a phone I can use.” Tommy said. 
Peggy’s eyes popped wide open at this statement. Despite her pain, she remembered the creepy abandoned house. “Stay here. A . . . car . . . will come,” 

“I can’t stay, Peggy,” Tommy said, “It could take hours for another car to come, and you‘re losing too much blood.” He tore another strip of his shirt and placed it gently on the cut on her head. Then he went out and retrieved a couple of blankets from the trunk to cover her with. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He raced out into the storm, shutting the dented car door behind him. 

Peggy drifted in a kind of daze. Something at the back of her mind was making her uneasy. She slid down on to the floor and put her head on the seat, completely covering herself with the blankets, head and all. Feeling safer, she allowed the weariness caused by the wounds to take over and fell asleep.

Peggy wasn’t sure what woke her. Had a beam of light shown briefly through the blanket? Did she hear someone curse outside? She strained eyes and ears, but heard nothing save the soft thudding of the rain, and no light shown through the blanket now. If Tommy had arrived with the rescue squad, there surely would be noise and light and many voices. But she heard nothing save the swish of the rain and an occasional thumping noise which she put down to the rubbing of the branches of the pecan tree in the wind. The sound should have been comforting, but it was not. Goosebumps crawled across her arms – even the broken one -- and she almost ceased breathing for some time as some deep part of her inner mind instructed her to freeze and not make a sound. 

She did not know how long fear kept her immobile. But suddenly the raw terror ceased, replaced by cold shivers of apprehension and a sick coil in her stomach that had nothing to do with her injuries. Something terrible had happened, she thought wearily, fear adding yet more fatigue to her already wounded body. Then she scolded herself for a ninny. It was just her sore head making her imagine things. Somewhat comforted by this thought, she dozed again, only vaguely aware of a new sound that had not been there before; a soft thud-thud sound as of something gently tapping the roof. Thud-thud. Pattering of the rain. Thud-thud. Silence. Sometimes she would almost waken and listen to it in a puzzled manner. Thud-thud. Patter of rain. Thud-thud. Had a branch dislodged from the tree? 

Peggy wasn’t sure how long she’d been unconscious when she was awakened by a bright light blazing through the window of the car and the sound of male voices exclaiming in horror. A door was wrenched open, and someone crawled inside. She lifted her head and looked up at a young state policeman.

“Miss, are you all right?” he asked and then turned over his shoulder to call for help. Peggy told the officers her story and begged them to look for Tommy. They deftly avoided answering her and instead called the paramedics. 

As the paramedics carried her carefully up the slope of the incline, Peggy looked back at the car—and saw a grotesque figure hanging from a branch of the pecan tree. For a moment, her brain couldn’t decipher what she was seeing in the bright lights of the police car parked at the side of the road. Then she heard a thud-thud sound as the foot of the figure scraped the top of the totaled car, and she started screaming over and over in horror. One of the police officers hastened to block her view and a paramedic fumbled for some Valium to give her as her mind finally registered what she had seen. Tommy’s mangled, dead body was hanging from the pecan tree just above the car, and nailed to the center of his chest was a No Trespassing sign.