Sunday 8 May 2016

Annabelle story

Annabelle is real

One of the creepy pieces really terrible spell that possessed evil doll Annabelle, which is the cornerstone of the fearsome trophies Ed and Lorraine Warren museum. Director James Wan Annabelle returned to work for the film, giving it a much more alarming aspect, but also in real life Annabel was just your run of the mill ragdolls.

Donna managed to Annabelle his mother in 1970; Mom bought a doll used in the hobby shop. Donna was a college student at the time, and living with a fellow named Angie, and at first may think that the doll was something special. But eventually, they realized Annabelle seemed to move on their own; At first it was very subtle, but changes in the position of the kinds of things that could be written off as a zarandeado doll. However, more movement and appeared to be fully mobile within a few weeks. The girls leave the apartment with Annabelle on Donna's bed, and go home to find it on the couch.

Lou hated wrist. It is believed that there is something deeply wrong with him, something wrong, but the girls were modern women do not believe that kind of thing. They must be an explanation, they reasoned. Annabel But soon the action became even more strange - Donna started finding pieces of parchment paper in the house with messages written on it. "Help us," he would say, or "Help Lou." Just to make it all one more terrible in the house was not parchment paper. Where the hell did he come from?

The climb continues. One night Donna came home to find Annabel in her bed with blood on their hands. Blood - or some kind of red liquid - that seemed to come from the wrist itself. That was enough; Donna finally agreed to bring the environment. Sensible sitting with wrist and told the girls that long before his housing complex had a box on this property were built. seven year old girl named Annabelle Higgins was found dead in the area. His spirit was, and when he came to the Dollhouse clung to him. He found Donna and Angie to be reliable. She just wanted to stay with them. She wanted to be safe with them.

Being, types of nutritious sweet - both were nursing students - Donna and Angie agreed to stay with Annabel. And that was when all hell broke loose.

Lou began to have nightmares, dreams in Annabelle was in bed, leg lifts while frozen, slides on the chest of her neck and shoved his hands closed around her throat, choking him. He awoke with horror, hitting his head, cut all the blood in his brain. I was worried. He was worried about the girls.

A few days later he and Angie hung, planning a trip, when they heard someone moving around the room of Donna. It froze - was a break in? if the attacker was in the apartment? Lou crawled to the door, listening to the inner whisper. The door opened and everything was as it should be - apart from Annabel was out of bed and sit in a corner. Approaching Lou's wrist it was absorbed by this feeling, a burning sensation in the back of the neck, indicating that someone is watching you, and he turned. There was nobody there. The room was empty. And then a sudden chest pain. He looked at his shirt and saw a series of trenches rough raking claws into her flesh was burned. He knew that Annabel did.

claws foreign brands began almost immediate healing. They were gone completely within two days. They looked like any injury, none of them had never seen before. They knew they needed more help, and the Episcopal priest who in turned called in Ed and Lorraine Warren became.

It did not take long Warrens to reach its conclusion: there was no ghost in this case. There was an inhuman spirit - the demon - joins the wrist. However, they warned that the doll did not possess; The demons do not possess the things only humans. She clung to a doll, manipulating it to give the impression of a disturbing. The goal was actually the soul of Donna.

The priest performs an exorcism on a flat surface and Warren took over the wrist. They put in a bag and began the long trip back home; Ed agreed to stay on the road, because there was a fear that the devil can catch up with the car, and 65 miles per hour, which would be disastrous. And indeed, when they were driving on rural roads, the engine continued carving, power steering failure and even keeps the brakes gave them problems. Ed opened the bag, sprinkled holy water on the wrist and outrage stopped ... for now.

Ed left wrist next to his desk; He began to levitate. It happened a couple of times, then he found out it finally laying silent. But after a couple of weeks, Annabelle returned to the old ways; She began appearing in the various rooms of the house of Warren. Feeling that the wrist was rising again called in a mold Warrens Catholic priest Annabelle. The priest did not take it seriously, saying Annabelle "You're a doll. You can not offend anyone!" Big mistake: on the way home the brakes failed priest and his car was in a terrible accident. He survived.

In the end, Warren built a case blocked by Annabelle, and she is there to this day. If blocked, apparently, holding the wrist to move, but it seems that all the terrible creature joins him is still there, waiting. Biding their time. Ready for the day he can return to be free.

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