Thursday 28 April 2016

Cricket History

It is said that you have to be born in cricket. Me, I like it. An American friend once described it as "a Valium baseball"
The origins of the game of cricket are lost in the mists of time. There is a point of reference in the accounts of King Edward I in 1300 house in a very similar game cricket is played in Kent.
The English game was born in the country sheep farming Southeast, where the short grass pastures made possible bowling or roll a ball of wool cloth or a white. This goal was usually the lawn wicket sheep, which was defended with personnel on the form of herding bat.
In fact, there were actually a number of different games played in a variety of local regulations. The idea of ​​a unique hobby that evolves to perfection in the sport we know and love is attractive, but it is not very likely. However, hitting a ball with a stick seems to have been a popular pastime. Whatever the variety, or the origin of the games played, the record shows that Eduardo II exercised a bat, and it was suggested that Oliver Cromwell also plays the game. In fact, "bat" is an old English word that means stick or club. The first types of bats were very similar to hockey clubs long stick, heavy curved outwards towards the bottom. The design reflects the type of bat bowling prevalent bowls quickly, rolling on the floor under the armpits. In the eighteenth century, the bat had become a heavier longer version curve of our modern bat handle and the blade carved from a single piece of wood.
The first recorded cricket match was held in Kent in 1646, and at the end of 1600, fines were effectively put out for those who lost their church to play. Grillo was very popular and widely documented in England during the end of 1700. In 1706, William Goldwyn published the first description of the game. Wrote that two teams were seen for the first time to take their place curved sticks, the choice of a step and discuss the rules. They planted two sets of rings, each with a "white as milk" constraint is perched on two parts, will be tossed a coin for the first shot, the referee has called "game" and "Skin Orb" was hit. He had in four balls, referees have been supported by their staves (the batsmen had to play to complete a race), and statistics sat on a mound notching.
The first written "laws" Cricket were established in 1744. They stated, "managers must choose between the gentlemen present two arbitrators who will decide absolutely all disputes. Strains should be twenty inches tall and rescue through them six inches . the ball must be between five and six ounces, and the two series of twenty yards away stumps. "there were no limits to the shape or size of the bat. It seems like 40 notches was seen as a big shot, probably because of the fast bowlers in the shins without pads. first world cricket club was formed in Hambledon in 1760, and the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) was founded in 1787.
Over the 1760s and 1770s, it has become common to throw the ball in the air instead of rolling on the floor. This innovation gave bowlers weapons of deception through the air, the length, the higher the rate. It 'also opened up new possibilities for round and round. In response, the batsmen had to dominate shot selection and timing. An immediate consequence of this was the replacement of the curve with a straight bat. All this raises the importance of the capacity and decreases the influence of terrain and brute force. It 'was in 1770 that the modern game began to take shape.
The weight of the ball is limited to between half past five and five and three quarters oz bat and the width of four inches. The latter decision was taken after an item from a batter called "Shock" White, who appeared with a bat of the window width. In 1774, the first phase before the law was published. Also in this period, a third strain has become commonplace.
In 1780, three days had become the duration of this game, and the same year also saw the creation of the first six cricket ball stitching. In 1788, the MCC has published its first review of the laws that prohibited charging an opponent and also provided by cut and cover the window to help keep things just right.
The standardization desire reflects the sharp increase in the popularity of the game in the eighteenth century. Between 1730 and 1740, one hundred fifty cricket matches have been recorded in the newspapers of the time. Between 1750 and1760, this figure rose to two hundred thirty between 1770 and 1790, more than five hundred.
The nineteenth century saw a number of important changes in the game. large deliveries were banned in 1811. The circumference of the ball is specified for the first time in 1838 (his weight has decided sixty years before). Pads, cork, were available for the first time in1841, and these are further developed after the invention of vulcanized rubber, which was also used to introduce protective gloves in 1848. In 1870, the introdujeron- limits above, all access must be executed, and whether the ball went into the crowd, spectators had cleared a path for fieldsman reach the ball. The biggest change, however, was shaped like a ball was delivered by the pitcher.
Early in the century, all of the underarm bowling ball bowlers follows. However, as the story goes, John Willes became the first pitcher to use a technique of "round-arm" after practicing with his sister Cristina, who had used the technique, since she was able to go bowling underarm because of its great dress to prevent the delivery of the ball. In 1816, in response to the growing number of bowlers who now use "round-arm" MCC has established "the ball must be delivered sneaky, not thrown or hit with the hand below the elbow, at the time of launch ball."
Previously, no legislation was needed. However, by the 1830s, back and arm had become increasingly popular, and finally allows the MCC in 1835 worthy of enabling any provision "Do not throw or hit on the hand or arm does not go over the shoulder." In 1860, things had developed further, and some players were experiencing overarm, but was banned by the game rules. In practice, some authorized officials, while others call it "no-ball".
As you can see, the operators in the armpit and arm forward and left in the game and in no way have been successful. However, the majority of new players using overarm, and since 1880, has been the most favored way of ball throwing. Interestingly, your arm back and disappeared before the armpit, which was still in use until World War Since Australia sent first fully overarm attack in 1878, now it seems extraordinary that England selected from time once in the underarm bowling players, even in the early twentieth century. The most famous, Simpson-Hayward tour of South Africa in 1909-1910, and the "lobster" was the most successful player in England bowling with 23 branches in 18 each.
Later, it became recognizable criminal cricket game played today, despite the many changes from the first leg layoffs, the intimidating bowling no balls, weight of bats, wickets blankets and protective clothing. Following the recent tour of South Africa, England, the thought of Harrison walk up to the window ball and the delivery of arms does not have a certain charm, and it is tempting to suggest that the worst results could hardly achieve with old technique modeled.
Trescothick surely love with oversized bat Blanca shock to prevent the power input Ntini made a terrible mess of his stumps in the final nail-biting to the series. Kallis, of course, has spent most of the series that looks as if it was doing exactly that, but that's another story.

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