Saturday 30 April 2016

Oxford University

University of Oxford (informally Oxford University or Oxford obviously) is the Graduate College is based in Oxford, England. even without a known reason to date, there can be no evidence of Coaching as an expanded form once again as in 1096, so it is the oldest university in the English language and international surviving the second oldest university in the sand. He quickly rose from 1167, while Henry II banned English students attend college Paris.After controversy among students and people from the city of Oxford in 1209, some teachers have fled to the north-east of Cambridge, where it is installed, they grow to be University of Cambridge. two "historic colleges" mutually regularly known as "Oxbridge".

The University consists of a selection of institutions, including 38 subjects of authority and a number of training services that can be organized into 4 divisions. All the departments are autonomous centers within the university, which control each of its members and its own internal and sporting events. Being a university town, it no longer has a campus on top; Alternatively, all of the buildings and venues scattered throughout the city center. Most students study at Oxford is organized around weekly tutorials in schools and autonomous offices, supported through training, conferences and artistic laboratory supplied faculties and departments.

Oxford is home to many vibrant grants and scholarships Clarendon appear, as shown in 2001, and Rhodes scholarship, which led to the students of the university graduate to study at the university for more than a hundred years. The University has the largest university in the global machine and the most critical academic library in the United Kingdom. Oxford trained many outstanding students, along with 27 Nobel Prize winners, 26 British Ministers excessive (more recently, David Cameron, the owner), and many outlying areas of heads of state.


Oxford University has no reason to date identified. Oxford coach existed in one form or another since 1096, but it is much more secure, while the University had come into existence. [1] rapid growth was experienced in 1167, while English students from the University of Paris. The historian Gerald of Wales lectured such scientists in 1188, and the first known foreign student places, emotional Friesland, arrived in 1190. The top college grow to be appointed Chancellor, at least 1201 and teachers were recognized as Universitas or business of the company in 1231 University became a royal charter granted in 1248 during the reign of Henry III.

Students connected to each other on the premise of the geographical origin, the "nation", representing the North (Northern or Boreal, which included the British north of the Trent River and the Scots) and the South (Southern or South, which covers the English south of Trent, Irish and Welsh). In later centuries, geographical origins survived directed many college students of the University "membership, and membership in a college or hall became the standard in Oxford. Like this, members of many religious orders, along the side of the Dominicans, Franciscans, Carmelites and Augustinians, settled in Oxford in the second half 13th century, the effect obtained and the house or room for students of the university College is supported. [22] Around the same time, the school setting philanthropists do not have independent public research organizations. some of the earliest such founders were William Durham, who in 1249 He endowed university College, and John Balliol, father of the destination of the King of Scots; Balliol College bears his name [20] any other founder, Walter de Merton, Lord Chancellor of England and later Bishop of Rochester, has developed a number of proposals for university life Merton College thereby. , it has become a model for this type of facilities in Oxford and at Cambridge University. Since then, more and more students are no longer living in the theaters and spiritual homes for shelter in schools.

In 1333-1334, some students attempt to Oxford University gave disenchanted today in the city of Stamford, Lincolnshire became blocked useful resource for schools in Oxford and Cambridge, applicants King Edward III. From then until the 1820s, no new universities were not allowed to settle in England, including London; as a result, Oxford and Cambridge was a duopoly, it is rare in Western BUD international locations.

length of revival

In 1605, Oxford changed in the walled city yet, but Severa schools were built outside the city walls (north is at the bottom of the map)

a new area of ​​the Renaissance greatly motivated Oxford from the late 15th century onwards. among college students at the time were William Grocyn, which contributed to the revival of the study of the Greek language, and John Colet, the famous Bible student.

With the Reformation and break ties with the Roman Catholic Church, students recusantes Oxford fled to continental Europe, settling in particular, of the University of Douai. [29] The method of teaching at Oxford, became converted renaissance of medieval scholasticism technical training, although institutions associated with the university suffered loss of land and income. In the center of education and science, Oxford's reputation declined in the Enlightenment; registrations decreased and training has been neglected.

In 1636, Chancellor William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, the codification of the university statute. This, to a large extent, the rules have been preserved until the middle of the nineteenth century. Laud arise as necessary for the constitution of security privileges for the university, and made great contributions to the Bodleian Library, the main library of the University. Since the beginning of the Church of England until 1866, members of the Church becomes a call for the preservation of BA degree from Oxford, and "dissidents" are the most effective common purchase, MA in 1871.

University end up in the center of the royalist party at some point in the English Civil War (1642-1649), while the town favored the purpose of the parliamentary opposition. Since the mid-18th century onwards, however, the University of Oxford took little factor in political conflicts.

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