Saturday 23 April 2016

How to grow sunflower

Sunflowers grow best in areas with full sun. They are extremely durable and will grow in any soil, where not heavy. They do very well in slightly alkaline to slightly acidic soil (pH 6,0 - 7,5). Once sunflowers principle that can tolerate drought, as befits plants whose ancestors grew happily in dry grassland areas. It is so easy to grow that often planted spontaneous vegetation beneath a bird feeder.

Sunflower seeds, leaves and stems substances that inhibit the growth of certain plants which emit other. You should be separated from potatoes and beans post. When the seeds are regularly used as poultry feed, seed husks accumulated toxins eventually kill the grass underneath. Harmless to animals or humans, ultimately biodegrade toxins in the soil.

modern sunflowers trace their origin to plants found in archaeological sites dating from 3000 BC .. While increased in abundance in the Great Plains, sunflowers grown for the first time on purpose by native Americans in the Mississippi River valley southwest or as a source of medicine, fiber, seed and oil.
When European settlers arrived, he immediately recognized the value of the seeds and sent back to Europe. There they found a place in the gardens of English cottages, even of Van Gogh paintings. However, it was in Russia that the sunflower was an important agricultural crops. They provide a source of oil that could be eaten without breaking their dietary laws of the church. In the early 20th century, the Russian producers led the breeding and selection for resistance to diseases and high oil content. In the 1960s, the US began commercial production suffered rape varieties for the production of vegetable oil.
Long a favorite part of the rural landscape, sunflowers have been embraced by gardeners as an ornamental plant recently. In response to this interest, breeders in Germany, Japan and the US have developed particularly suitable for the types of home gardens.

While sunflowers can be started indoors in pots of peat individual, it is easier to sow the seeds directly into the ground, after all danger of frost is past spring. However, when the growing season is short, sunflowers can be planted safely until two weeks before the last frost in the spring. Sunflowers can catch a cold or two. Where the growing season is long, it is best to wait until the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees to 60 degrees F.

For planting in rows, space seeds about 6 inches apart in a shallow trench between 1 and 2 inches deep. In sandy soils, 2 inches deep is better. Cover and keep watered until seeds germinate in 7 to 10 days. When first true leaves appear (the second set of leaves); Thin plants about 2 feet away. Depending on the variety, sunflowers will mature and develop the seeds of 80-120 days. Sow a new row every 2 to 3 weeks to enjoy continuous blooms until the first frost.

For maximum space rows of seed production two to three feet away. Use, producing traditional varieties such as high 'Mammoth' or 'Paul Bunyan hybrid', 'hybrid Aztec Gold' or 'snack Super Hybrid' seeds.

To grow smaller bouquets for flowers, plants space much closer together? About 6 inches apart in Maine, or as close as 2 inches in dry places like Arizona. Jump fertilization. The plants will be much smaller, with fewer branches, but will be longer stems and flower heads of good size for arrangements.

sunflower roots spread widely and can withstand some drought. However, it is best to water regularly during the growing season even more importantly, it is about 20 days before and after flowering. Deep, regular watering helps stimulate root growth, which is especially useful with the highest sunflower varieties that carry heavy flowers.

Sunflowers do not require lubrication. However, due to the growing strength (which can easily grow up to 6 feet in just three months), it is a good idea to add some slow-acting granular fertilizers, especially the poor and thin soil. The better your diet, the more flowers. Do not overdo the nitrogen because this will delay flowering. Spreading a coating layer of 2 to 3 inches of some type of organic material in the soil to reduce moisture loss by evaporation and discourage weeds.

While some sunflower varieties do not need staking, it is a good idea to support the plants that grow over 3 feet tall or multi-branched. The branches are very fragile, especially in areas where the stems are connected. shallow and loaded with many large flower heads roots, the plants are vulnerable to summer winds and rain. loose tie piles plants lengths of cloth or other soft material, as needed.

Birds and squirrels can be a problem when the seeds ripen during harvest time. If you do not use the seeds, it is fun to watch the wildlife enjoy the harvest. You may want to cut the flower heads and lie in the sun to dry and provide easier access to wildlife. Instead, to prevent birds and squirrels, barrier devices are the most effective. As seed heads ripen and flowers droop, cover each with white fleece Polyspun garden. It allows light and air and to keep errors. Also, try to cut some leaves that are closer to your head to make it more difficult for birds to nest and feed.
Deer easily remove a patch of sunflowers. In promoting the new, tender on the top of the plant leaves, a barrage of wire mesh 36 inches with the support of bamboo 6 feet should keep them at bay. Simply turn the thread as the plants grow.

Sunflowers are virtually free as the care of their smiling faces suggest. However, sometimes it becomes infected with fungal diseases such as mildew and rusts. downy mildew causes spots and pale areas on upper leaf growth and fuzzy mold on the bottom. Over time the leaves wither and die. Older leaves are infected first. downy mildew is more likely to occur in the cold, damp and humid nights and warm days. It spreads through spores carried small plants and soil by wind and rain or transmitted by garden tools. It will not kill a mature plant; Simply spoil your appearance.

Rust appears first beam leaves as yellow or white spots that turn brown or black color. swollen blisters then appear on the undersides. The disease can spread to the stems and flowers causing a distorted growth. Rust sometimes spreads sunflowers grown from weeds such as wild mustard, shepherd's purse, pigweed and lamb's quarters.
If fungal diseases are discovered early, spraying with a fungicide general garden as indicated on the product label can protect healthy foliage. Remove and destroy infected plants seriously. Keep the removed area and clean the plant debris from the garden in the fall. Disinfect tools submerging them in a solution of household bleach to 1 part water to 4 parts. Keeping hands clean, and do not deal with the plants when they are wet.

A small gray moth sunflower sometimes lays its eggs in flower development sunflower. Their larvae are greenish yellow with brown stripes 5 in the back. They feed on flower and destroy the seeds, creating a mass of straps and debris. Collect worms plants and mash with fingers or place them in a plastic bag for trash. If infest a lot of plants, spray or dust of flowers with a product containing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) as soon as you see the larvae. The larvae eat the bacteria and die soon. Because sunlight and rain rapidly inactivated Bt, respray as indicated on the product label.


In early autumn, flower heads register for signs of maturity. The reverse changes from green to yellow-brown. big head nod down. A closer look will reveal the tiny petals covering the developing seeds have dried up and now easily fall exposing the mature seeds close together.
To harvest the seeds ahead of the birds and squirrels, cut the seed heads with a foot or so of stem attached and hang in a warm, dry, well ventilated and protected from rodents and insects instead. Keep harvested seed heads from moisture to prevent deterioration of the molds and let them cure for several weeks. When the seeds are dried thoroughly to leave by rubbing two heads, or brushing with your fingers or with a stiff brush. Allow the seeds to dry for a few days and then store in airtight glass jars in the refrigerator to maintain flavor.


Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals as well as linoleic acid, which helps metabolize fat body properly. They contain about 24 to 27 percent protein, only a little less than an equal weight of ground beef. Moreover, sunflower seeds contain about twice the iron and potassium and about 4 times the phosphorus beef. raw sunflower seeds also contain vitamins B and E, and a pinch of vitamin A. germinated, also they contain vitamin C.
Use the seeds for snacks, alone or mixed with raisins, slices of dried fruits and nuts. Add the seeds to salads sunflower hull and use them in recipes fruit or vegetables. sunflower seeds substitute for nuts in baking.
To toast the seeds to enhance their flavor, lightly brown them in a skillet over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes, or on a baking sheet in the oven at 350 degrees F for about 10 minutes.

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