Sunday 10 April 2016


              Ghosts & Science

f you believe in ghosts, you are not alone. Cultures around the world believe in spirits that survive death to live elsewhere. In fact, the ghosts are among the most widespread opinion of the paranormal: Millions of people are interested in ghosts, and 2005 Gallup poll showed that 37 percent of Americans believe in haunted houses - and almost half believe the ghosts.
Ghosts are a popular subject for thousands of years, there are countless stories of the Bible to "Macbeth" and even spawned its own kind of folklore: the ghost story. One reason is that the belief in ghosts is part of a wider network of related paranormal beliefs, including the experience of death, life after death and the spirit of dialogue.
People have tried (or rather) to communicate with the spirits of the ages; in Victorian England, for example, it was fashionable to elegant ladies who have their meetings in the halls after tea and scones with friends. In the United States in the late 1800s, many psychic mediums claim to speak for the dead - but was exposed as a fraud by skeptical investigators as Harry Houdini.
It was not until the last decade that ghost hunting became a great interest worldwide. This is due in large part to the Syfy television series "Ghost Hunters" hit the wire, now in its 10th season, unable to find conclusive evidence of ghosts. The program resulted in several spin-offs, including "Ghost Hunters International" and "Ghost Hunters Academy" and it is easy to see why the show is so popular: the principle that everyone can find ghosts. two original stars were ordinary men (plumbers, actually), they decided to look for evidence of their posts alcoholic beverages. You need not be a smart scientist, or even have a background in science or survey. all you need is a little time, dark and maybe a few sets an electronics store. If you look long enough, any light or noise can indicate unexplained ghost.
The idea that the dead are still with us in the spirit of an old and offers comfort to many people; who do not believe that members of the family favorite, but died without looking at us or with us in this case, the need? Most people believe in ghosts, because of personal experience; they saw or felt an inexplicable presence.

The science and logic of ghosts

Personal experience is one thing, but the scientific evidence is something else. Part of the difficulty in investigating ghosts is that there is no universally accepted definition of what a ghost. Some believe that they are the spirits of the dead who, for whatever reason, "lost" on the way to the other side; others argue that instead of telepathic ghosts being projected into the world of the mind.
Still others create their own special categories for different types of ghosts, like elves, residual haunting, intelligent spirits and shadows of people. Of course, all this is done up as speculating on the various races of fairies and dragons: there are so many types of ghosts as you want to be there.
There are many inherent contradictions ideas of ghosts. For example, materials or ghosts? Or they can move through solid objects without breaking them or you can slam the door shut and throw things around the room. Logically and physically, one or the other. If ghosts are the souls of men, which seem to be dressed and soulless (supposedly) inanimate, such as hats, canes and apparel items - not to mention the numerous reports of ghost trains, wagons and wagons?
If ghosts are the spirits of those whose deaths were unavenged why there are unsolved crimes, as the ghosts are said to communicate with the psychic medium, and should be able to identify their murderers to the police. And so on; just about any claim it raises ghosts logical reasons to doubt it.
ghost hunters use a variety of creative (and questionable) methods for detecting the presence of spirits ", often including psychics. Almost all ghost hunters claim to be scientific, and most overlook that aspect, because they are using a scientific team high-tech, such as Geiger counters, electromagnetic field detectors (EMF), ion detectors, infrared cameras and sensitive microphones. However, the whole team has never really been shown to detect ghosts.

Why many believe

Many people believe that the support of the existence of ghosts is in no less solid than the science of modern physics. It is widely believed that Albert Einstein proposed the scientific basis ghosts of reality; If the energy is not created nor destroyed, but only change the way it happens with the energy of our bodies when we die? Could this somehow be considered a ghost?
While fans of ghost hunters would be at the forefront of research ghosts who actually participated in what folklorists call exposition or off the caption. It is essentially one, the current form of the game in which people "act on" the legend, often with ghosts or supernatural elements. In his book "Aliens, Ghosts and Cults: Legends We Live" (University Press of Mississippi, 2003) folklorist Bill Ellis said ghost hunters often take the research seriously and "out of contest beings Forman resist supernatural conscious theater, then return to a safe place ... the stated aim of this activity is not fun, but a sincere effort to check and set the limits of the "real" world, "" seems a reasonable assumption - .. if you do not understand fundamental physics, the answer is very simple and not mysterious after a person dies, the energy in your body goes where energy is all organisms "it goes after death. the environment. the energy is released as heat, and animals that feed us (ie, wild animals, if we left unburied or worms and bacteria, if we are faithful to the earth) and the plants are transferred to we consume. There is no "energy" that survives physical death to detect using popular ghost hunting devices.
If ghosts are real, and are a sort of unknown energy, or a corporation, its existence must be (like all other scientific discoveries) to be tested by scientists through controlled experiments - are not ghost hunters week wandering the abandoned houses in the dark late at night with cameras and flashlights.
Ultimately (and despite the mountain of ambiguous images, sounds and videos), ghost data is better today than it was there a hundred years ago a year, ten years ago or. There are two possible reasons for the failure of ghost hunters to find a good test. First, that ghosts do not exist, and that reports of ghosts can be explained by psychology, bad, mistakes and deceit. The second option is that ghosts exist, but the ghost hunters are simply incompetent. Ultimately, ghost hunting is not proof (if it were, the research would have long since been abandoned). Instead, it is the way to have fun with friends, tell stories, and enjoy pretending to be looking for the unknown edge. After all, everyone loves a good ghost story.

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